Filmed by Jake Lee Green for News2Share

Pro-Palestine & pro-Israel activists scuffled around the Israeli Consulate Saturday afternoon in Los Angeles. Two men in black masks, one wearing an Israeli flag as a cape, deployed what appeared to be bear spray at the crowd, including News2Share contributor Jake Lee Green.

“Hey hey, ho ho, Zionism has got to go!” pro-Palestine activists beginning the protest chanted outside the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles.

“Israel, Israel, what do you say? How many kids have you killed today? Israel, Israel, you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide!”

Before the march began, a man wearing a Yarmulke and holding an Israeli flag waded into the pro-Palestine crowd.

Participants yelled and were clearly agitated by him, but marshals and ultimately police escorted him out to avoid escalation as some began pushing.

The pro-Palestine group held a march through the streets of LA, many participants in vehicles themselves, demanding “Free, free Palestine!”

Toward the end of the march, a pro-Israel group (some masked, some armed with mace) confronted the pro-Palestine group. The interaction became briefly heated, with pushing until police struggled to separate them. Both groups began moving, when at least two Israel supporters shot chemical irritant into the crowd and ran away.