Pro-Palestine activists burned an Israeli Flag outside the Israeli Embassy tonight while playing the audio of U.S. airman Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation here from just one day ago.

“This is in solidarity with Aaron, who burned his body. At the very least, we can burn the Zionist flag,” one said.

“If we burn, you burn with us!” the group chanted.

“Quit your jobs!” they chanted at police guarding the building.

“You killed that man!” an activist yelled at Secret Service guarding the Israeli Embassy. “You pulled your guns out instead of a fire extinguisher!”

Ashes from U.S. airman Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation remained on the sidewalk beside the officers’ feet.

“In a selfless and devastating act of immolation, this service member laid down their life to spotlight the struggles, the injustices, and the relentless pain endured by countless individuals every day in Palestine. His last, true, words were ‘Free Palestine.'”

One speaker read a message from Daniel Hale, the whistleblower in prison for revealing that 90% of U.S. drone strike deaths are not the intended target.

“The weight of guilt for the many crimes against humanity perpetrated by our government hangs heavy over every veteran.”

“We gather here to honor the heroism that occurred on this land yesterday of Aaron Bushnell, making the ultimate sacrifice in devotion to true liberation,” one speaker described.

“Aaron Bushnell was a martyr!” she said. “This was an American soldier who sacrificed his life not for the interests of the elite, but for the people.”

One speaker highlighted the calmness and purpose of Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation, while describing the police reaction (pointing a firearm at him) as “exposing the truth and reality of state violence.”

One speaker explained that “When Aaron came here and put his principled militant politics into action and set himself on fire, I can promise you that he wants us to do more. He wants us to be more militant and radical in our actions.”

“I hear a lot of revolutionary rhetoric in these protests and rallies, but all our tactics have been liberal as hell.”

“Aaron Bushnell was an accomplice, and we need more accomplices.”

Former intelligence officer Josephine Guilbeau said that “Patriots, true patriots, that’s who’s here today” at the Israeli Embassy in solidarity with Aaron Bushnell.

She quoted Bushnell’s final words: “I will no longer be complicit in genocide. Free Palestine!”

“Aaron, Aaron you will see! Palestine will be free!”

A participant repudiated the use of the term “patriots” and said she could never be patriotic to a country that supports genocide.

“This country will not free us, it will never free us. We must escalate the situation.”

“The enemy is this embassy, right here. The enemy are these fascist pigs, right there,” she said, referring to the police.

“No ifs, no buts. You either stand on the right side of history, or you go home and sit down.”

“There is only one solution, Intifada revolution!” one of the final speakers led chants outside the Israeli Embassy.

“It is our right to rebel, Israel go to hell!”

“We won’t hide, we won’t cower! Take up guns and seize their power!”