Over the past month, News2Share’s Managing Editor, Ford Fischer, has been traveling around the airwaves to various podcasts and online radio shows to discuss News2Share’s upcoming film, Transhuman. The movie will be a feature-length documentary on the transhumanist movement – the merging of the human body with new technology to alter or enhance the human experience.

N2S has launched an Indiegogo campaign to fund the venture, with perks ranging from a digital copy of the film to a first-hand role in its production. The film is is anticipated to be released inDecember 2017.

Listen in to a sample of the radio shows Ford has appeared on. The film’s research assistant, Mike Ricciardi, also participated on JREV.

If your organization would like to write about the project or interview any of the filmmakers, please contact Alejandro Alvarez at alejandroalvarez@news2share.com.

Future Left:

Future Left talks to Ford Fischer, director of the upcoming “Transhuman: The Documentary,” about a wide range of issues related to the Transhumanist movement, from body-hacking to brain-hacking to death-hacking. “A whole lot of hacking going on,” Future Left noted.

JREV Radio:

‘Transhuman’ director Ford Fischer and research assistant Mike Ricciardi discuss the film and the possibility of a transhumanist future on ‘Post Politics with Tripp Pugh.

Robot Overlordz Podcast:

The first episode of the new Robot Overlordz podcast features Ford talking transhumanism, a topic discussed in the previous Robot Overlordz  series, which has since become a bit more mainstream as some of the technologies and ideas of transhumanism have become more commonly known. Ford discusses how the documentary aims to take a look at the people and communities that are creating a new philosophy and how that could reshape our politics and society.

Click the link to listen in: https://robotoverlordz.fm/show/438-series2-ep001-notes


Lions of Liberty:

In this episode of Lions of Liberty, host Marc Clair welcomes Ford Fischer to discuss:

    • How Ford first took an interest in both government and journalismk and how it led to his founding of News2Share.
    • Ford’s thoughts on the concept of “bias” in journalism, and why he believes the best way to be “objective” in journalism is to reveal your biases.
    • The story of why Ford was arrested a protest in Baltimore during the aftermath of the death of Freddie Gray.
    • Ford describes how he became interested in the subject of transhuman and lays out his vision for the “Transhuman” documentary.


Do We have the Ability to Evolve Past Our Genetic Limitations?

In this fascinating interview, Robin Koerner speaks to Ford about the opportunities and threats posed by this potential future, as well as the politics of trans-humanism and the sub-culture of those who tend to be interested in it. With respect to the political implications, they particularly consider the involvement and intrusion of government into our lives.

Shamrocks And Shenanigans:

Cill and Mike bring Ford onto the first hour of their first edition of Shamrocks And Shenanigans, where they discuss all sorts of controversial topics pertaining to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness across the USA, and around the World.