You Wake Me Each Morning is a must read for anyone interested in the field of journalism. The exciting and adventurous life of Senior White House correspondent Connie Lawn is beautifully chronicled throughout the many chapters of this book.

Lawn, a natural storyteller, transports the reader around the world and across time as she recounts her many travels. From being kidnapped in Lebanon to having one of the last interviews with Bobby Kennedy before his death, Lawn’s life seems almost like a movie.

Her unique autobiography style makes you feel as if you were there as she recalls covering everything from the 1968 riots in Washington to the infamous Watergate scandal.

As a mother, wife, correspondent and pioneer for women in the field of journalism, Lawn’s work has impacted many. In her nearly 50 years of reporting, Lawn has etched herself into the journalism history books.

If you decide to pick up a copy of You Wake Me Each Morning, put aside time to read the whole thing. With detailed stories and invaluable insight into the life of a White House correspondent, you’ll have difficulty putting it down.

Trey Yingst
News2Share Co-Founder