Ahead of Super Bowl Sunday in Atlanta, anti-circumcision activists with “Bloodstained Men & Their Friends” are taking their case to the streets. News2Share stopped by the demonstration to hear their case.

“They were born this way. They should stay this way. It’s not like some birth defect,” said one woman who said she’s a trained nurse, holding a sign that reads “Circumcision is child abuse.”

“Everybody has a right to their own body,” said Harry Guiremand, who works with “Bloodstained Men & Their Friends.” “If you cut off a part of a non-consenting person’s body, you have committed an assault.”

The group mostly wore all-white outfits with a fake bloodstain on their crotch.

“We’re wearing the wound to shock the public. Because if we were out here protesting female genital mutilation wearing a bloodstain, everyone would be like ‘yes! Obviously that is so wonderful!'” one activist remarked. “But for some reason men turn their backs on boys.”

“There is no mother or father that should be able to make a decision about how a man’s dick functions or what it looks like. That should be his decision,” another added.

“It’s the beginning of rape culture,” one female activist noted. “In a lot of ways, circumcision is rape by instrumentation, but also amputation of a body part without consent.”

A recording of News2Share’s entire time at the event can be viewed below:

Later in the day when News2Share wasn’t on the scene, two men allegedly grabbed and bent the group’s signs and threw them in a trash can.

The two were chased down and reportedly asked to stand by while police came to the scene. After offering an apology, one reimbursed the activists $8 for the destroyed sign.

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Photos by Sarah Shoemaker / Elle Imaging: