Adam Kokesh speaks exclusively to News2Share following his release from D.C. Central booking, where he was held from his April 10th arrest to the 15th.

Filmed by Ford Fischer and Alejandro Alvarez
With footage courtesy of Heather Mullins and Michael Heise
Edited by Ford Fischer

Kokesh was arrested by Secret Service outside the White House on an extraditable warrant out of Maryland stemming from an incident with TSA (Travel Safety Administration) in December 2015. The warrant was for failure to appear.

Kokesh says his government-issued ankle bracelet from a previous gun charge was being additionally screened by TSA, and he remarked, “Don’t worry. It’s probably not a bomb.” This resulted in the ten minute closure of the checkpoint and a criminal citation for disrupting security procedures.

Letter from TSA

Letter from TSA

A January 2016 letter from TSA indicated that the agency wished to reduce their case to a warning. Kokesh believed this resolved the matter, while the government says the letter only frees him of civil liability. Maryland, meanwhile, is free to pursue the case criminally. News2Share was in court for the hearing Tuesday.

Mr. Kokesh was ordered released Saturday after Maryland declined to pick him up for extradition within 72 hours of him waiving his right to an extradition hearing.

To his knowledge, there is still a Maryland warrant out for his arrest.

Please contact Ford Fischer at or call (573) 575-NEWS to license video. Photos and additional footage may be available upon request.

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Arrest Video: