Among the major issues President Biden campaigned on and garnered support ahead of the election was cutting America’s reliance on fossil fuels and gearing toward a “greener” economy.

In June, News2Share visited Minnesota, where environmental activists found themselves in a struggle directly with government forces over the construction of the Line 3 Pipeline.

While Biden was applauded by activists for canceling the Keystone XL Pipeline, his ongoing approval of Line 3 was seen as a major betrayal of the environmental movement.

From October 11 to 15, climate activists took the fight right to Biden’s doorstep with a week of direct action in Washington DC.

The first day of protests yielded conflict with the Parks Police and Secret Service as it approached the White House.

Individuals who refused to leave the White House front sidewalk were arrested, although police did not handcuff the activists and released them on site.

On Day 2, protesters were arrested again in front of the White House, but this time themed their event around protecting the water and Earth as an interfaith value.

On Day 3, the protests continued in front of the White House, building in frustration at the lack of response from Biden himself.

On Thursday, the fourth day of action, the protesters branched out. News2Share was on the ground at the Chamber of Commerce, where activists climbed to the windows to put on a colorful display condemning what they say were “false solutions” presented by the chamber.

A staffer attempted to get the activists arrested for trespassing.

In spite of spraying makeshift “oil” onto the front steps of the building, officers briefly detained and released only those who scaled the building. None were charged.

On the final day of protest, activists marched to the Capitol to make their voices heard. In one final act of civil disobedience, activists planted themselves at the intersection of Third and Constitution.

Capitol Police expressed considerably less patience than their colleagues had at the White House. While most were processed and released on site, some were taken away in handcuffs. Additionally, credentialed multimedia journalist Karla Cote was arrested without being given an opportunity to leave the area.

In total, an estimated 400 to 450 activists were arrested demanding President Biden reverse course on climate and cancel fossil fuel infrastructure projects.
