Newnan, Georgia assigned a total of 400 police officers, many of them heavily armed, to protect a rally held by the neo-Nazi “National Socialist Movement” group Saturday afternoon.

While 50-100 neo-Nazis were expected to attend, about 35 are estimated to have shown up. Police formed a heavy perimeter around the group, including a fence, two layers of barricades, and shoulder-to-shoulder riot police.

Livestream 1:

Livestream 2:

While no violence seems to have occurred including the nazis themselves, about a dozen antifa and other counter-demonstrators were arrested. Several were detained before the event, allegedly for wearing masks. At least two were arrested for standing on the street, although it’s unclear what they’ve been charged with.

A handful of heated scuffles occurred between officers and counter-protesters, with at least one instance of an officer pointing a rifle at a group for an extended period of time.

No shots were reportedly fired, and police say no property damage occurred throughout the day.

Please contact Ford Fischer at or call (573) 575-NEWS to license video. Photos and additional footage are available upon request.



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