IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace held a “Mourner’s Kaddish for Rafah” outside the White House tonight.

Activists outside the White House held a long, literal red line to symbolize Biden’s supposed “red line” on Israel striking Rafah, which Israel has already passed, along with a banner that said “ceasefire.”

They sang, prayed, and mourned by placing candles one by one.

Resigned Biden appointee Lily Greenberg Call speaks outside White House for Palestine

IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace held a “Mourner’s Kaddish for Rafah” outside the White House tonight.

Lily Greenberg Call, a Jewish Biden appointee who resigned two weeks ago to protest the bombardment of Gaza, spoke out.

“I could no longer serve at the pleasure of a president who is aiding and abetting genocide of the Palestinian people with American tax dollars and under the guise of Jewish safety,” she said.

“A genocide that does not bring the hostages home, that does not keep Israelis safe, that does not keep Jews safe, that has killed over 35,000 Palestinians, 15,000 of them children, who knows how many more stuck under the rubble right now.”


“I refuse to accept the lie that Palestinian life is somehow less valuable or less important than Jewish lives,” said resigned Biden appointee Lily Greenberg Call.

“This lie that in dominance we can get safety from Antisemitism, that somehow in privilege, we can get freedom.”

“We are not free as long as we oppress Palestinians under our boot, and we are not free as long as the president of the United States continues to make Jewish people the face of the American war machine.”

“Free Palestine!”