Former President Trump received mostly boos from the Libertarians (a small VIP section plus 4 front rows) and cheers of support Saturday night from his supporters (who got most of the other seats) as he spoke in front of the Libertarian National Convention, who on Sunday will be nominating their own candidate for president.

Trump spoke in front of the “Become Ungovernable” logo featuring the anarchist circle-A.

The speech was unprecedented where for a major party candidate speaking at a rival political party’s nominating convention.

As the Libertarians (closest few rows to the president) largely booed Trump and the MAGA (about 3/4 of the room, closest to the press riser) cheered him, some Libertarians stood with their backs to the former president during the speech.

“You have to combine with us,” Trump proposed, prompting boos and thumbs down among the Libertarians closest to the stage.

Behind them, Trump supporters cheered and chanted “Trump!”

Libertarian delegate Starchild held a banner saying “NO WANNA-BE DICTATORS!” in front of Trump before it appears that Trump supporters grabbed it away while others chanted “kick them out!” as Trump kept speaking at the Libertarian Convention.

Security roughly forced Libertarian Delegate Starchild away from the speech.

Starchild went to the floor multiple times during the struggle, during which time Trump continued speaking without acknowledging the commotion.

“The Libertarian Party should nominate Trump for president of the United States,” Trump said, prompting cheers among his own and thumbs down and boos from the Libertarians.

“Only if you wanna win,” Trump added. “Maybe you don’t wanna win.”

Trump said he would make a political prisoner task force including Libertarians on it, prompting them to hold Free Ross signs and chant “Free Ross!” to Trump.

He added that he would “pardon the peaceful January 6 protesters or, as I often call them, the hostages.”

“If you vote for me, on day 1, I will commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht,” Trump said, sparking thunderous applause from Libertarian and MAGA.

“He’s already served 11 years, we’re gonna get him home.”

“You cannot have capitalism and also have open borders,” claimed Trump, prompting thumbs down and boos from the Libertarian portion of the crowd, including those with their backs turned to the former president.

“I want your support, and again, you can either nominate us and put us in the position or give us your votes,” Trump concluded with the Libertarians, who booed (and squeezed a rubber chicken that made it through security).

“Don’t allow the worst president in the history of our country to come back and do the final destruction of America. Thank you very much everybody. God bless you.”

News2Share spoke with two of the Libertarian delegates who held their backs to Trump during the speech.

“We don’t want him here in the first place. He’s not a Libertarian,” one said. “He drone bombed Syria, so for him to claim he started no new wars is just a lie.”

Libertarian presidential candidate press conference following Trump speech

The three leading Libertarian candidates for president according to a straw poll spoke after Trump.

Chase Oliver said “We just had a neocon war criminal on our stage a few minutes ago.”

“I have a message for Donald Trump: I want you to go to sleep at night and think about all the innocent people in Syria you killed with your airstrikes with your supposed ‘no new wars.'”

By this time, most Trump supporters promptly left, leaving only the Libertarian portion of the room.

What I think has happened today is that the Libertarian Party has moved the needle toward liberty,” said Dr. Michael Rectenwald.

“We will crack this tyranny!”

“We have started a major movement. Let’s keep it going. It’s time to wreck the regime!”

Mike ter Maat, who walked out during the Trump speech said “if you vote anything but a party that represents your values, you are wasting your vote!”

“If you want the real thing, come home to the Libertarian Party!”